Whether or not you have your recipes ready for Thanksgiving, we want to help you make smarter choices this holiday when choosing the ingredients for your recipes. Let's not forget that, as women, our diet plays a significant role in our vaginal pH, and it's valuable to understand how much our vaginal health impacts our overall well-being, both body and mind.
BioActrin® by Signify Nature is your ally # 1 to help you keep things balanced and under control down there. Now, here are five ingredients that every woman could benefit from this fall.
5 Fall Ingredients for Vaginal Health
1. Pumpkin seeds
Zinc is essential for normalizing the menstrual cycle and regulating hormones, and pumpkin seeds are a rich source of this mineral. Zinc is also crucial for boosting mood and strengthening the immune system, so it can help us fight and prevent unwanted infections. A great idea is to add them as a topping to give your salads some crunch!
2. Sweet Potatoes

Whether baked, grilled, roasted, or mashed, sweet potatoes are super good for our vaginal health. Sweet potatoes are packed with powerful nutrients and vitamins, including vitamins A and C, B vitamins, fiber, manganese, potassium, and iron which help us keep our vaginal and uterine walls healthy. They also provide us with antioxidants and help our bodies produce energy-boosting hormones. How about a sweet potato pie?
3. Dark Chocolate
I don't think you're upset about this suggestion! The high-flavonoid kind is an excellent source of antioxidants, and women who eat at least a square a day report increased desire and better overall sexual function. Dark chocolate is also rich in magnesium (which soothes nerves), methylxanthines (boosts libido), and phenylalanine, an amino acid that produces dopamine (the feel-good chemical).
4. Cranberries
By now, we're all familiar with the fantastic benefits of cranberries; they are great for improving general vaginal health, fighting off UTI-causing bacteria, and balancing the vagina's pH levels. If you prefer to do the juice, it's a great option too! We suggest the sugar-free option.
5. Almonds & Pecans

When consumed in moderation, all kinds of nuts are excellent for your vaginal health. Nuts are rich in nutrients such as vitamin E and zinc, which can help regulate your menstrual cycles and prevent vaginal dryness. This Thanksgiving, you can make almond flour and pecans, the superstars of your recipes! Do some pecan bars sound good? You can substitute regular flour for almond flour at a 1:1 ratio; just note that almond flour may require a few more eggs to bind the flour.